Showing posts with label Income tax. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Income tax. Show all posts

Wednesday 5 July 2017

Deductions from Income from Other Sources [Sec. 57]

The following expenditures are allowed as deductions from income chargeable to tax under the head ‘Income from Other Sources’:
S.N.SectionNature of IncomeDeductions allowed
157(i)Dividend or Interest on securitiesAny reasonable sum paid by way of commission or remuneration to banker or any other person for purpose of realizing dividend  or interest on securities

Gifts not chargeable to tax [Sec. 56(2)(vii)]

Any sum of money or property received by any person [on or after 01-04-2017] in the following circumstances shall not be chargeable to tax:
a) Gifts received from relatives;

Income Chargable under Income from Other Sources

Income From Other Sources
Any income which is not chargeable to tax under any other heads of income and which is not to be excluded from the total income shall be chargeable to tax as residuary income under the head “Income from Other Sources”.

Who should file Income Tax Return!!!!

Every individual has to file the return of income if his total income (including income of any other person in respect of which he is assessable) without giving effect to the provisions of Long Term Capital Gain 10(38), 10A, profit from 100% EOU 10B or 10BA or Chapter VIA (i.e., deduction under section 80c to section 80U), exceeds the maximum amount which is not chargeable to tax i.e. exceeds the exemption limit.

Deduction in Income from House Property


DescriptionNature of Deductions
Municipal TaxesMunicipal taxes including service-taxes levied by any local authority in respect of house property is allowed as deduction, if:
a) Taxes are borne by the owner; and
b) Taxes are actually paid by him during the year

Computation of income from House Property

Income from a house property shall be determined in the following manner:

Gross Annual Value-
Less: Municipal Taxes-
Net Annual Value***
Less: Standard deduction at 30% [Section 24(a)]-
Less: Interest on borrowed capital [Section 24(b)]-
Income from house property***

Taxability of Retirement Benifits under Income from Salary

Leave Encashment
110(10AA)Encashment of unutilized earned leave at the time of retirement of Government employeesFully Exempt

Exemptions and Deductions from Salary Income


110(13A)read with Rule 2AHouse rent allowanceLeast of the following is exempt:
a) Actual HRA Received
b) 40% of Salary (50%, if house situated in Mumbai, Calcutta, Delhi or Chennai)
c) Rent paid minus 10% of salary
* Salary = Basic + DA (if part of retirement benefit) + Turnover based Commission
i. Fully taxable, if HRA is received by an employee who is living in his own house or if he does not pay any is self occupied.
ii. It is mandatory for employee to report PAN of the landlord to the employer if rent paid is more than Rs. 1,00,000 [Circular No. 08 /2013 dated 10-10-2013].

Defination of Salary as Per Income Tax Act

Salary  include:
a) Wages
b) Annuity
c) Pension
d) Gratuity
e) Fees, Commission, Perquisites, Profits in lieu of or in addition to Salary or Wages
f) Advance of Salary
g) Leave Encashment

Thursday 15 June 2017

Rates for Tax Deduction at Source(TDS) for FY 2017-18 (Company)


Rates for tax deduction at source-In the case of a company

[As amended by Finance Act, 2017]
[For Assessment year 2018-19 & Fy 2017-18]

Tuesday 13 June 2017

Rates for Tax Deduction at Source(TDS) for FY 2017-18 (A person other than a company)

Rates for tax deduction at source-In the case of a person other than a company
[As amended by Finance Act, 2017]
[For Assessment year 2018-19 & Fy 2017-18]


Cost Inflation Index for FY 2017-18 

Sn.Financial Year(FY) Assessment Year(AY) Cost Inflation Index
1        2001-02 2002-03 100